Fertility Support with Reproductive Reflexology (Reproflexology) and Homeopathy

3 months after starting to see Becca and 4 days before we were due to start our first round of IVF, we discovered I was pregnant and our baby was born in February 2020. Although we started to see Becca to help with our dreams of extending our family, we both realise the benefits to our overall well-being and stress levels that continuing to see Becca brings us, we cannot recommend her enough'. KJ, U.K

Reproductive reflexology can be used as a stand-alone treatment to enhance your natural fertility when planning a baby, for those struggling to conceive or alongside conventional treatments such as Clomid, with fully medicated cycles of IUI, IVF, ICSI as well as donor eggs.

I have carried out additional training in both homeopathy and reproductive reflexology to support clients through fertility problems.

I work using an approach tailored to your unique needs.

This may be a combination of reflexology and homeopathy.

I also just listen...I offer a ‘healing space’ where you can come and talk about how you’re feeling.

Often my clients have not told anyone they are struggling to conceive and they battle with the burden of their conflicted feelings especially if it seems they are surrounded by pregnant friends and colleagues.

See what my clients say here Testimonials.

I am specially trained to allow me to work alongside medicated cycles using specific protocols reproductive reflexologists believe work to enhance the medications efficacy.

Reflexology creates balance and harmony within the body ensuring you are in the best possible condition prior to conception. I generally use both homeopathy and reflexology to enhance the treatments that I do. If you prefer to only have reflexology or homeopathy then we can discuss this.

When a couple are planning a baby it is advised that BOTH of them first get in physical, mental and emotional good shape. I will assess your medical and lifestyle history (in a non-judgmental way of course!), perhaps looking at potential toxicity, nutritional deficiencies etc and suggesting dietary changes, supplements, homeopathic remedies and exercise with the aim of increasing the likelihood of a successful conception.

A minimum of 3 months before planned conception is considered ideal to maximise your health and wellbeing. However, I work with you and what suits your life and budget.

I can also organise hair mineral analysis to be carried out to check for deficiencies and toxicity.


I can also signpost and support you through getting more thorough Sperm analysis to assess DNA damage issues and/or hormone testing (eg Full Thyroid function tests) where repeated miscarriage occurs.

A “sperm count” analyses the quantity of sperm produced. However, most of us know less about sperm quality. Sperm DNA is one of the most important factors when it comes to conceiving.

Sperm quality can be affected by things like stress, smoking, alcohol, recreational drugs, obesity and other avoidable lifestyle factors. Even healthy sperm will have some DNA damage, but it is the amount of damage that matters.

DNA damage is often a factor when couples have been trying to conceive for some time without success with no obvious explanation why or in repeated miscarriages. By finding out what their sperm quality is like, (and possible DNA damage) can help reduce the loss of valuable time, financial costs, emotional heartache and guide you to the correct treatment.

For example, with moderate damage, IVF might be the best treatment to try first bypassing IUI. If the damage is higher then the best chance of success might be going straight to ICSI treatment.

It takes 3 months for sperm to mature and 150 days for an egg to reach its final maturation. So what you do today will impact on conception in the future.

Therefore, I offer various packages to ensure you are in optimum health ready to conceive.

Gold 12 week
Couples Fertility Support Package
for Optimum Wellbeing
for Conception
  • Initial Homeopathy and 2 follow ups (£400)
  • Weekly reflexology sessions (worth £1200)
  • Supplement advice


£1400 per couple

(a saving of over 10%)

Silver 12 week
Fertility Support
for Optimum Wellbeing
for Conception             
  • Initial Homeopathy consultation and 2 follow ups (worth £200)     
  • Weekly reflexology sessions (worth £600)
  • Supplement advice

£720 (a saving of over 10%)

Bronze 12 week
Fertility Support
for Optimum Wellbeing
for Conception
  • Initial Homeopathy consultation and 2 follow ups (worth £200)
  • Weekly reflexology sessions for 1 menstrual period then 2 additional monthly sessions (6 sessions in total worth £300)
  • Supplement advice

£450 (a saving of over 10%)